Fondation Charles Bruneau CHU Ste Justine 8 Scaled

The Fondation Charles-Bruneau

Since 1990, the Fondation Charles-Bruneau’s mission is to give all children with cancer the best chances of recovery by funding research and support the development of projects in the area of pediatric oncology.

The Foundation is proud to now be present in all four university hospitals serving customers in pediatric oncology in Quebec: at Centre de cancérologie Charles-Bruneau at CHU Sainte-Justine, CHUS in Sherbrooke, CHU in Quebec City, and Montreal Children’s Hospital.

This means that all children with cancer in Quebec are treated in a Charles-Bruneau Unit.

90% of the Foundation's revenues come from fundraising activities.

Total profits raised through the Charles-Bruneau Cup will be distribute to the different programs and projects supported by the Fondation.

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Where do the donations go?

Fondation Charles-Bruneau  announced in June 2021 a historic commitment of more than $25 million over five years to fight pediatric cancer in Quebec. This commitment, which will be the foundation’s largest to date, takes a visionary approach in which the collaboration and complementarity of Quebec’s four university hospitals specializing in pediatric hematology and oncology will be marshalled. Multiple research projects will be funded to strive for a cancer-free childhood for all children in Quebec.

This announcement marks a milestone for Fondation Charles-Bruneau, not only for the magnitude of the investment, but also because the four pediatric oncology centres in Quebec will use their respective expertise and research teams to fight childhood cancer. The battle will be waged on all fronts: cell-by-cell analysis of cancer, simplification of diagnosis and follow-up, precision treatments (targeted therapy, cell and gene therapy), improved nursing care, screening and management of psychological distress (particularly through art therapy), and prevention of cancer’s after-effects through the promotion of healthy lifestyle habits.


The foundation’s vision and leadership will enable pediatric hemato-oncology researchers with the province’s four institutions to work together for the benefit of thousands of children and their families across Quebec.


Once again, it is your continued generosity and commitment that makes this announcement possible. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!


Donations that change lives

Your involvement makes a real difference. By participating in the Charles-Bruneau Cup, you will live a unique experience while contributing to a great dream: that all children can one day say “when I grow up, I will be cured!”

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